doodle repository
last upload: 12/19/2024

so many drawings half of them are unfinished and i left even more at school... idk just look at them

idk what happened here i dont even ship them i just blacked out for half an hour and when i came to this was on my page. is this divine madness.
a bunch of drawings from the past week (8/28-9/5)

a wholllle big collection of drawings that ive been doing while in college. lots of marine admirals (literally who is surprised) but featuring other trafalgar classics such as . drawing marco way too hot . and also shovel knight. and bartolomeo. plus a funny little hanaya taiga in the corner becuase i was thinking about ex-aid and him. yes i drew old kuzan with young kizaru i didnt plan it and i didnt mean to make them so close together shit just happens sometimes. also i used the scanning app i use for school instead of just taking pictures because i was lazy. so they look different
literally just a sign for my dorm hallway, drawn 8/28/2024

a bunch of people were drawing signs for our floor in the stairwell becuase our floor doesnt have one and this is mine. i havent been able to draw as much because of school so this was nice. also my first time drawing luffy so i hope he looks normal
ms paint sanji part 2, drawn 8/11/2024

my friends said that my last sanjis weren't sad enough so i made him. let's pelt him with bricks
tiny fuckass ms paint sanjis, drawn 8/10/2024

theres something so funny about drawing characters in ms paint with my mouse. there was a joke behind these but i forgot them. it's important to note that on my computer these files are called "ass" and "fucker"
aramaki & doflamingo, drawn 8/6/2024

idk what i was doing here. drawing doffy's eyes will always be so cursed to me. brother your shades. put them back on i am begging
lots of trafalgars, drawn 8/3/2024

fucking around with typography & my name. wanted to make something cool to put on my notebooks or something like that.
charlotte katakuri, drawn 7/24/2024

this is a test... I almost exclusively draw on paper with just pencil so don't expect anything crazy. I'm not a mixed media expert or crazy talented digital fanartist, I'm just some guy who draws instead of listening in lectures.