it's now or never!

date: 1/22/2025
mood: oughhg the curse
music: back on the pinocchiop
thinking abt: my friens :]
let me tell you i am fighting for my LIFE right now so sorry for the lack of updates. my mf period started so ive been a jittery nauseous mess all day not to mention i havent eaten anything except a handful of lucky charms ffor the past 3 days. average college student shit ngl. but other than that im happy to be back at school, I got new glasses which are super cute nd im really happy to see all my friends again. a few of them found the website and have started poking around at my shitty code which is a bit embarassing but oh well. going to be updating the website a lot for now while im stuck in bed trying not to throw up :thumbsup:. oh yeah and i got the woz plushie + started kamen rider drive. dont like it so far sorry #d1 kater. chase seems cool though i can see why hes the iconic guy from this series. damn lillie's theme from pokemon just came up in my playlist im gonna cry now shes just like me fr
it's now or never!

date: 1/1/2025
music: rh megamix ost
thinking abt: lupat

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. I spent all of the countdown doing a big lupinranger binge because i'm back on that shit again. spent most of the day drawing kairi. new year yeah yeah. have you seen their matching outfits. look at them. theyre so importatnt to me. the whole main cast of lupat killed it but team kaitou will forever steal the show to me. their little cafe. kairi's fuckass depression room. touma being surrogate big brother while all 3 of them deal with the loss. the fact that they're all autistic as shit. love you forever lupinrangers. oh and noel is there. was going to put this entry with kamen rider but its technically a sentai. however its the only one ill probably ever watch. whatever we main page yapping becuase I'm insane. ok time to go back to drawing kairi 900 times.

date: 12/25/2024
mood: holly+jolly
thinking abt: my touys
music: universe cat drowning
this place so holly jolly rn i wont lie. christmas is one of my least favorite holidays but the next week is going to be fun. it's my favorite time of year because I really like new years & i get to use all the stuff i got today :]. the highlights are some cool tshirts, a new pair of vans and a sewing machine. I'm really excited to be able to alter my clothes without having to go to my neighbors basement. I'm really exhausted after all the time with family, but I did end up buying fe3h again. relapsed after 4 whole years. i fear for what will come. it should get here in a few days along with 2025's day planner. oh well im going to head to bed now because its been a long day. i hope everyone else had a good one

date: 12/20/2024
mood: locked in
music: pinocchiop META album
thinking abt: crimmas
I'm one of those people who's a total holiday season hater, all of the time with family/pomp and circumstance starts to wear on me pretty quickly but I have to say waking up to snow was pretty nice. I'll probably have to shovel it all when it stops tomorrow but right now I don't mind. I may die while running the social gauntlet of christmas eve and day though.
beyond the typical holiday dread i've actually spent all day planning for a new sewing project. I'm allegedly getting an actually functional sewing machine for christmas this year and so I decided my first project would be making one of the marine admiral coats from one piece. They're all practically identical but I'm basing mine mostly off of Koby because I might end up making his full uniform someday. It's a but hard finding a coat pattern that fits how boxy and single panled the admiral coats are, but I've found a pretty good one that only needs a bit of modifying at the collar.
oh yeah and huge news for me, the day planner that i live by (my beloved hobonichi) have a one piece themed one for 2025 which is actually so crazy. last year's special one was earthbound and this year's is one piece, they're literally advertizing directly to me , incredible.

date: 12/18/2024
mood: epic sauce
music: baka mitai akiyama version
thinking abt: my webbed site !!!
hi to all fans of the torao webpage it sure has been . a time has it not. my deepest apolocheses for disappearing so suddenly unfortately my computer broke for a not insubstantial amount of time and then when i finally got a new one it was finals season so. way too busy to work on this. BUT I'M BACK. RAH. okay speedrunning two months of life updates: sort of failed some of my classes but it's fine, switched major to architecture, grew hair out (in my spiky tiny ponytail arc), adopted an upperclassman in my japanese class into my group very forcibly and started kamen rider zi-o. Honestly not much to say beyond that it's been pretty typical. drawing one piece and kamen rider. occasionally playing yakuza. spending all my money on figures. same trafalgar we all know and love
i am speedrunning website maitnence at midnight because there are so many little things i need to tweak plus uploading a two month backload of art. not even that because i left so much at school over break. probably finally wrap up a few of my shrines (NOT GOING TO START ANY MORE I SWEAR) ((lies??)) oh yeah i made two life size cardboard cutouts while i was away idk i thought it was funny. so now i have 6 foot tall kiryu kazuma & woz from kamen rider zi-o just hanging out in my dorm room. love those guys .
ok i will be resuming the drawing uploads for now everyone stay frosty/warm and enjoy the holidays. trafalgar out

date: 10/2/2024
mood: downright passable
music: katamari damacy ost
working on: uta cosplay
uh oh the time got away from me again, it's been a while hasn't it. school has just been so stressful and omnipresent that just homework and one pet project have been sucking up literally all of my time. the bad news is that i've for sure already failed one of my classes this term and the other two are in dire straits. adjusting to college is a lot harder than i expected. the good news is that I'm almost done with my uta cosplay, just have a bit more sewing to do on the dress. i wont be able to finish it this week sadly, I'm going home today and tomorrow and then will likely be drinking with friends on friday
My uta jacket that I ordered for the cosplay/halloween costume should be coming tomorrow which is super exciting because that means i'll have it on time for the party on friday. well it's not really a party i'm just stealing alcohol from my house and we're all gonna drink and watch the spongebob movie. whatever. the point is i'll have a cute jacket to wear and that's great. I'm currently trying to figure out how the busses in my college town work [im from the city i only really ever took the subway] because i need to get a bus to the train station to get to the hospital for a visit and then home. why do i need a phd to figure out when there's a bus coming. god i want competant public transport.

date: 9/21/2024
mood: silly
music: film red ost
obsessed w/: one piece movies
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KUZAN AOKIJI MY ONE TRUE LOVE IN THIS WORLD. yet another post started off by a birthday celebration for my favorite one piece character. it's pretty funny that my two favorites both have their birthdays in september. and then there's kid all the way in january... soon.... well anyway sorry about the lack of updates, i've been really sick for the past week and i'm only just getting over it. my shitty immune system is not thriving in college where everyone is sick and no one wears a mask.
During the time I was sick and couldnt go to class i did watch a few of the one piece movies that have been on my list for a while though. they were films red, gold and z. for how hyped up film red was I expected it to be a bit different, but it was cute and silly and I really liked the soundtrack. film gold's villain was really interesting in how he seemed like a fusion of crocodile, enel and doflamingo, but film z easily stole the show. the way i nearly passed out when we got to hear kuzan sing. literally so much kuzan screentime im going to lose my shit, he was really at his peak in this movie. and the bathhouse scene. no one speak to me. that will not be leaving my head ever. oh god i need a minute to be very normal
Other than that, film red actually inspired me to get back into cosplay wahoo. i signed up for a sewing workshop at my school so I can use their industrial sewing machines and start on her whole thing. of course the ultimate goal is to make a trafalgar law cosplay but that's a little more complex than I have the confidence for. Id really love to make his long ass punk hazard era coat someday. goals. still debating buying the almost 200 dollar offical uta jacket. i want to but also i dont want to but also i want to. going to mull it over for a few more days.

date: 9/12/2024
mood: wiped out
music: shunrai
obsessed w/: admirals. still.
i feel like total shit rn because i got my covid booster yesterday and listen. that fucked me up real bad. i didnt sleep at all last night becuase i was shaking like mad and felt like i was going to puke the whole time. I'm mostly better now but I still feel crazy weak and tired, i skipped my 10am class because of all that so ive been chilling. unfortunately this all happened literally the day before my midterms which is fucked but its ok we can perservere. surely.
my mom came out to get me to my doctors appointment and it was actually crazy because in some random barnes and nobles we went into i found this one kizaru figure that hasnt been sold in years + it wass 70 dollars cheaper than the lowest price online. i found my actual white whale of figures in a random ass bookstore. my mom bought it for me as a birthday gift so ill get in a month hehe. im so excitred. oh and a bunch of my figures came in the mail. Posable zoro figure, ichiban kuji prize katakuri, a gear 5 pen holder and phone stand and a silly aramaki figure i found at a comic store. I have one more coming in the mail, which is also ironically aramaki too. why did i have to be autistic abt the worst guys in one piece. classic trafalgar struggle.

date: 9/9/2024
mood: devious
music: sakanaction
obsessed w/: kizaru borsalino...
GREAT NEWS FOR TRAFALGAR HEADS IM MENTALLY WELL AGAIN. Had a crazy few days but I'm allegedly back on track sort of. I have three packages that are coming in the mail tomorrow which is crazy because i ordered one a few days ago and the other two a few weeks ago. Still dealing with the awkwardness of that one guy who won't stop hitting on me but other than that I'm kinda chilling. Been playing some pokemon y between classes and that's been great, I love my switch but im a little too scared of breaking her to carry her around in my backpack. My ds is a champ though she can tank any hit.
I've watched a few stray episodes of one piece too (rare occurance for me). Kuzan & Borsalinos introductions you will always be so famous to me. I also watched Kuzans fight with Garp (CRAZY GOOD ANIMATION FOR NO REASON LIKE TF?) and I plan to watch film z later today after classes. Wait hold back to Borsalino's introduction like agghhh. His funny little "moshi moshiii??" as he tries to work his phone is actually ingrained in my head forever. sorry for being an admiral fan :heartbreak:. ok im going to wrap this up so i can go watch aramaki's intro. It just occured to me that i never heard his voice actor and that needs to change expiditiously.

date: 9/6/2024
mood: fighitng 4 my life
music: pinocchiop bunmei kaika concert
obsessed w/: marine admirals (NOT AKAINU)
Warriors games are so peak because you can just disassociate the fuck out while playing them & forget you're alive. One piece pirate warriors 4 you are the only thing keeping me together right now. The only problem is that each level takes 20-40 minutes and I'm losing a lot of time that I should be spending on work just. Mashing buttons and listen to my funny characters yelling. I really need to get my shit together asap lest i deadass fail my entire first semister of college. I can't really focus on work because I havent eaten in a little more than a day. The dining halls are soo overwhelming and intimidating that when the depression hits like this I cant face going there to eat. Oh well ill get over it soon. hopefully.

date: 9/5/2024
mood: stresspilled
music: little mix
obsessed w/: one piece episode 1115
I'm back from the dead to say GRAAAAAAAA happy birthday sir crocodile. My special warmongering boy's specialest little birthday everyone cheer for him or I'll blow this whole place up. And now that's all out of the way hello lurkers on I am back. It has been a wild few weeks in the life of trafalgar I won't lie to you. Going from a very boring and quiet life of a guy who never left his room into the super busy life of a college student has been crazy. It's only three weeks into my term and im already feeling behind and it is NOT a good feeling let me tell you. I'm going to have to lock in on studying this weekend.
But other than that I've been trying my best to not just hide in my room all day. I've managed to make a few friends but I'm still working on finding a group i feel truly confortable with. Everyone always talks about "finding your people" and I'm just waiting for that to hopefully happen. I'm pretty behind in both of my programming classes but I'm actually sort of on top of calc right now. I dropped from calc 3 to calc 1 because i was having so much trouble. Turns out being hospitalized for most of ap calc makes you pretty bad at it.
I was too scared to come out at college which sucks but my school is nice because me being a really masculine girl (as far as those people know) is pretty accepted. Maybe sometime in the futuure I'll be able to. Living alone hasnt been as hard as i thought it would be, but i do keep forgetting to eat sometimes. Mostly because I don't have a roomate to go with like everyone else. And the dining hall food is ass. I'm a living experiment on if a human being can survive entirely off of cantaloupe right now.
I also bought a fuck ton more one piece stuff recently but I'm not going to yap about that here because honestly I'm working on coding a collections page for the site that has all of my figures/trinkets. The goings are slow though because of school. It's funny I have been drawing a fuck ton recently despite not having a ton of time for it. I put off doing homework/studying by drawing and it's actually pretty great because I haven't enjoyed drawing this much in ages. I'll post some recent pages soon, maybe after i turn in one of my assignments. Yeah I'm coding my website instead of doing coding homework thats how it is. Oh well I've yapped for a while now, I'll get going and do that CS homework now because i have class in half an hour and need to lock in. Stay cool everyone, trafalgar out.

date: 8/20/2024
mood: exhausted
music: incompleto sin ti
Sorry about the lack of updates these past few days, I'm now officially a college student so I've been pretty busy with all of that stuff. I moved in on sunday and have been going through orientation as best I can. It's a bit rough but I'm looking forward to classes starting so I have things to focus on that aren't strictly social.

date: 8/15/2024
mood: alright
music: splatoon 1 ost
thinking abt: school (STILL)(AGAIN)
I got a haircut today yayyy. It's beem over four months since my last one so my hair had grown into a glorified mullet that i'm glad to see gone. I'm not sure if I love my current cut but I couldn't get it exactly how I wanted because my mom is still really controling about my appearance. Even though I'm a literal adult man but whatever. I spent most of the time at the barbers playing pirate warriors and waiting for my mom to be done. Hell yeah for gaming.
I keep having ideas for things that I want to draw and then I literally keep forgetting to draw them. I'm writing this so the me of tomorrow actually remembers that I want to draw and I have ideas. I've just been so scrambled with getting ready for college that I haven't really had the time or energy to just sit down and go. Although I'll probably have even less time when I'm there so I'd better get going I'd say. And in unrelated good news I'm officially walking after my surgery yayyy. Normal shoe and all which is great. I'm still in pain but it's way less, hopefully no one comments on my limp because I'll either die from embarassment or actually kill them.

date: 8/12/2024
mood: stressin
music: back in my creepy nuts era
thinking abt: school (STILL)
there is somehow so much & literallly nothing of note going on in my life right now. I've finally started to lock in on packing for college because I move in this Sunday and I've done no preparation at all. That's a lie actually I'm an overplanner and yet I always feel like im underprepared. Me when my meticulously thought out plan for each day doesn't go exactly as I thought it would. I suppose that's a thing that I need to work on, I'm very bad at living in the moment and such.
I had a bit of a meltdown last night but in hindsight it was actually really funny. I was kinda spiraling thinking about being trans and how if i ever came out I'd be so mega fucked and then Bink's Sake came on in my playlist and I started full on bawling. I am not a guy who cries like. ever so it was funny. It was specifically the version when you hear all the other vocals cut out towards the end as everyone dies UGH. i cant think about it too much lest the feelings come back. truly iconic everyone say thank you soul king brook.

date: 8/8/2024
mood: too cold. somehow
music: the pillows
thinking abt: school
I went back to the doctors yesterday for another post-op checkup and apparently I'm not healing as fast as I should be. Guy with 9000 health problems vs broken leg. I should be able to move into normal shoes in a week which is nice. I dont't want to be in my big medical boot when I'm moving into college. I'm also really looking forward to buying new roller blades because that & skateboarding were my favorite passtimes before the bone problems fucked me up.
I'm steadily getting more nervous about school btw. I might explode. I'm a guy who does nothing and talks to no one I'm deadass terrified. Like do I need to eat with other people. Can I sit alone in the dining halls WHAT ARE THE RULES. There's no one I can ask abt this either because my big brother dropped out after literally 3 weeks and also hes a normal guy. Man I need a support forum for antisocial college ppl. And not like "oh lolll im so anti-social" in the quirky tiktok way. I mean the "if you approach me I will throw up out of sheer nerves" way. Guy who is making it very obvous to the audience that he has an anxiety disorder. AS IF IT"S MY FAULT. Also happy birthday to buggy the clown i guess. lame king shit

date: 8/5/2024
mood: too hot
music: number girl
thinking abt: kamen rider faiz
Working on finishing up the crocodile and mihawk shrines everyone cheer for me okay. I had a crazy faiz relapse today while looking for clips of inui vs kiba. It's crazy how much I love a show that is objectively kind of mid. My two favorite kamen riders being one of the best and one of the worst is a really humbling experience. Even then I think despite its dumbness faiz is one of the best shows to watch.
Debating buying one of those tamagotchi watches.... i've wanted one for a while but I just learned that there's a one piece one which might tip the scales. They are pretty expensive though... On an unrelated note im blowing up my brother with my mind rn he's been on a discord call with his friends playing video games all day and he won't stop screaming. He's so gaming youtuber pilled that he feels the need to scream at literally everything. Like ok baby markiplier take a deep breath and remember i can hear you literally everywehre in the house. ugh. might be petty and unplug the router for a bit.

date: 8/3/2024
mood: certainly existing
music: life at garreg mach monastery
thinking abt: zosan yaoi
Finally finished my Marco shrine :] i love you silly bird man. I still have more images to upload but I'll take care of that tomorrow. Today marks two weeks exactly until I move into college and let me tell you the Dread is starting to hit. I've been bullied all my life and the prospect of going to a completely new place where that could just start all over again terrifies me. Not to mention it feels like the offical end of my childhood, I am an adult and yet I feel woefully underprepared for the real world. I wish my life could just be me and my laptop alone in my room forever.
Beyond that I've been fighting a really bad wave of gender shit this week. I swear I am on a ticking time bomb and if I don't become a man soon I'm going to start ripping peoples throats out. It's so hard to even put how I feel into words, and I have no transgender friends (I barely have any friends period but let's not talk about that) so it just feels so so isolating. My family will probably never accept me and yet I feel like if I don't do something soon I'm actually going to snap.
okay that got heavy for a second I promise my life isn't all misery. i did some more drawings today and tomorrow i'll post them. I also found a zoro x sanji fancam that made me feel like eating styrofoam and I made a secret page on the site just for it. If you can find it then hats off to you enjoy my guilty pleasure pirate yaoi. trafalgar out.

date: 7/30/2024
mood: content ?
music: ace attorney 3 ost
Made a lot more changes to the site today, I didn't even realize how long I was working on it. I was debating changing my layout because a lot of the other sites here on neocities are a lot more vibrant and maximalist than mine is, but I honestly think this style fits me a lot better. Debating making a changelog just because I'm changing a lot more than I thought I would.
Oh yeah I made more unwise financial decisions. I found an Aokiji figure that was like half of it's usual price because the box was all banged up, so obviously I bought it. Did not take into account that it is over a foot tall and I have literally NOWHERE to put it. My bedroom is a closet that my dad installed a shoddy outlet into so I literally only have space for my loft bed w/ this desk under it. Aokiji baby I love you but you may be living on the floor under my desk for a while. It has lights embedded in it that illuminate his ice though uhghg it's so cool. I might have to make a page for my figures.

date: 7/29/2024
mood: hoping this test works
music: FUJIFABRIC still
thinking abt: hylics

testing putting images in my posts, i hope this works. matching icons for you and your best friend who just got hit with a hammer

date: 7/28/2024
mood: actually pretty good
We have offically entered the "we're so back" portion of our show. I've been able to start working out again (although I'm not technically allowed to by my doctor. or actually healed yet.) I just get really antsy without it. Whatever. Surgery is a bitch but I can be bitchier.
Tomorrow I have a call with my university's Japanese professor because I'm trying to get placed out of the more basic classes. It's a little scary because my speaking skills are by far my worst, but I think I've got this. If it goes horribly please disregard all further statements on the topic.
I made a bunch of Beignets because I thought my family would be coming over to watch the Olympics but it no one showed up so now I just have like 30 beignets in my fridge and I genuinely do not know what to do with them. In unrelated news I finished all of the interest pages today, yayy. Not to say this website is finished. I have a lot more I want to do with it. The next thing I'm going to work on is being able to post full images with these little entries so I can show off my trinkets.

date: 7/24/2024
mood: getting by
music: everlasting love + you
Yet another lovely day on trafalgar dot website dot com. I plan to actually finish up my shrines today and then make the page for art because I keep forgetting about that. All of my drawings are just pencil on paper so it's a bit more of a pain than it otherwise would be. Oh well we soldier on.
In unrelated good news, one of my packages should be coming in the mail which is exciting, I think it's one of my Kidd plushies but it could also be the keychains. I really like to collect vintage phone straps (my phone has like a pound and a half of keychains on it. it may be a problem).
oh yeah and yesterday I got my schedule for my first two terms of uni (my school works quarters rather than semisters. it's weird, stem school things i guess.) It all looks good so far, except for the fact that I got put in an "into to latin america" class for some reason?? did not sign up for that. or anything related to that so I need to send an email to get that sorted out.

date: 7/22/2024
mood: pretty good
Went and made some really good progress on the website this morning, most of the shrines at least exist now and I plan to make sure that there aren't any dead links hanging around. I also added some fun stuff to the right side as I'm sure you can see. I'm thinking of making chopper link to somewhere, but I haven't thought of anything good yet. Maybe the katamari ost.
This place is really starting to come into its own which I'm quite happy about. The bottom five links on the sidebar are useless still but I'll fix that later. Maybe not today because it's my mom's birthday and I'll be a little busy with that. Oh yeah and I ordered even more one piece plushies. Someone stop me please, my wallet hurts.

date: 7/20/2024
mood: hungryyy
music: new pinocchiop song
Happy one month anniversary to trafalgar dot website dot com !! I recently deposited the checks I got from relatives for graduating high school and so I went on a bit of a shopping spree. Got a bunch of one piece keychains & plushies on the way. Cementing my status as a trinket lover. Most of them are of Eustass Kid because despite how little I talk about him, I'm kind of obsessed. Like easily top five favorite characters. Can't wait to throw him at the wall when he finally gets here.
It's officially a little less than a month until I move into college, which is a little scary to think about. I'm super chatty here but irl I'm pretty quiet and will not go out of my way to talk to anyone. Sure do hope that doesn't have negative consequences for my future or anything. whatever. Oh and I'm working more on my about me section, I should have that done soon (ish). Stay fresh squid kids, trafalgar out.

date: 7/16/2024
I have literally nothing of note to say I'm just here to tell you all that the scene from the end of thriller bark where sanji protects zoro from kuma is making me a little cooky rn. a little bit off the shits you could say. was not a crazy shipper of those two but I might be understanding it now. their fucked up silent mutual understanding honor shit is nuts i think they should talk about their feelings abt it. oh and also beat each other up. perhaps sexually. nodding sagely rn.

date: 7/14/2024
mood:ok i guess??
listening: wadatakeaki
watching: kamen rider kiva 18/48
Hey hi it's been a while hasn't it. Recovering from surgery has been pretty rough, not much new in my life otherwise. I spent wayy too much money on one piece merch at the mall with my sister, I'd give a full run down but it'd be like a page. My favorite thing was the gundam model of the baratie though, I built it as soon as i got home and I love it. Plus strangers kept complimenting me on my chopper backpack, my little boy is so popular.
I've also started playing yakuza again, I played a ton of 4 but quit at the prison break, its such a drag on legend dificulty I hate how it's a roadblock to the actually good parts of the game. Ill probably start playing 5 again as soon as i'm done writing this.

date: 7/6/2024
listening: PSY
watching: kamen rider kiva 18/48
Tuning back in to report to everyone that I am about to make a series of unwise financial decisions [flex emoji] literally that's it I've been doing a whole lot of nothing but resting from my surgery. Staying transgender & awesome, thinking about how I'm going to cut my hair when I'm off at college. Also got really obsessed w/ smoker from one piece. DONT TALK TO ME ABOUT IT DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.

date: 6/28/2024
mood: exhausted
playing: kamen rider memory of heroez
watching: kamen rider kiva 18/48
Man you guys aren't going to believe this but getting all of your bones shattered and the glued back together kind of hurts. I'm hoping the recovery time for this surgery won't be as rough as the last one but we'll see.
I was in too much pain to do literally anything yesterday and the day before so I just straight binged kiva. I can't believe people hate on this show it's actually so peak as of right now. Like it's such an Inoue show you can feel it in every inch but it's just so much fun. I didn't think I'd like wataru so much but he's actually really fun. Also bold choice to have a secondary rider who's absolutely lost his shit, we havent quite reached Kusaka moment yet but i feel like he could get there. Also the gay rock band side plot. Do I have to say anything.
Anyway back to grinidng away college tasks, onboarding shit is really hard for no reason like leave me alone I just want to take math classes.

date: 6/25/2024
mood: locked in
music: pinocchiop
reading: water 7 (again)
Changes might be slow here for the next few weeks because I'm actually getting surgery tomorrow, and it comes with a pretty nasty recovery time. I'm trying to get the bare bones skeleton of the site all taken care of before then though. I'm thinking of adding a changelog & a section with silly buttons to the top right soon, but I've spent most of my time on the shrines.
I went kind of crazy and reread most of water 7 & enies lobby today while trying to compile all of the cool panels of Rob Lucchi that i could find. I'm definitely saving all of the cp9 incident report covers though, my silly guy everyone look at him (he just kicked someones skull in). Whatever. I'm dangling a little mouse toy in front of him like he's a kitten (he turns into a cat in the manga im not a freak i swear i swear).

date: 6/24/2024
one piece is okay i guess but i doubt i'll ever finish it -> spending three hours compiling official images for crocodile & mihawk themed shrines. (look out for those in the future btw big things coming on trafalgar website dot com. i might add more, i'm def doing tezuka & asakura from ryuki & maybe yuuto and kuroto/kiriya. too many funny dudes in my brain i swear. NOTE TO SELF hiromi kadota shrine real. second note to self actually put something in the top right corner. idk what though. THIRD NOTE TO SELF kuwana jin lost judgement shrine. god that will be peak